Friday, February 28, 2020

Terlingua, one more time.

Terlingua is hard to describe. It's the people, the landscape, the buildings, the history, and the fact that it was a ghost town just a few decades ago.
I thought I should do a video, driving from one end of town to the other (less than 1 km)  so you can experience it too. You might want to turn your volume down as I did this holding the camera out the sunroof and there's quite a bit of wind noise. Check out the adobe "tiny home" at about  0:42 . Very Texas!
We are starting at the High Sierra Bar and Grill, near the highway, and ending at the General Store/Starlight Theater. 
BTW there is a resident dog at the High Sierra that will bring you progressively larger sticks, until you give him some food. I caved at a 5' long, 3" log.

There were a lot more vehicles in the General Store's parking lot than I ever remembered. It seems we happened to arrive just as the Sunday afternoon jam session was getting underway.

And just a bit more, to highlight some of the "characters" of Terlingua.

If you would like to learn a bit (or rather, a lot more) about this very unique West Texas town, check out this article. It's long, but it says it all, murder mystery included!

Next, a day trip to the Chisos Mountain Basin.

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