Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Corpus Christi and Mustang Island State Park.

This was a bit of a disappointment weatherwise.
The day we arrived it was 75 and sunny.
The next day it really cooled off and the wind blew hard for the remainder of our stay.
Mustang Island had been closed for 18 months after hurricane Harvey. The washrooms/showers had to be torn down and rebuilt and the park office building is still boarded up.
The main beach parking lot was turned into a river by the receding flood waters. Here is an aerial view courtesy of google earth.

And a picture from the ground taken shortly after the storm.

All of this had to be filled in and re-paved. The electrical and water services in the campground had to be completely re-done.

But the beach survived. You can drive for miles on this beach and camp just about anywhere tent, trailer or motor-home.

So, for the past 2 months we have been traveling from the Atlantic, westward along the gulf, racking up the beach time whenever the weather allowed. And the weather has been great for the most part.

I had hoped to have the fuel filter changed in Corpus Christi. After calling at least a dozen "truck type" garages, not a single one was willing or able. So off I went to Napa for a filter and a hardware store for a filter wrench and bucket.
An hour and about $40 later, problem solved.

Now it's time to head inland and experience the other side of Texas, where everything either bites, scratches or stings.

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