Thursday, November 14, 2019

One More Time...

Darlene and I have been very busy getting things ready for what may be our last RV trip. Its not that we haven't thoroughly enjoyed every mile and destination over the past several years, but we've been thinking it may be time to explore some other more distant places in the future. This trip will be the longest yet, about six months.

For those of you who are new to this blog, the most recent posts are at the top, older ones below. Keep in mind there are 3 trips here dating back to 2015, so if you don't want to read ancient history, click on the posts from 2019 and (soon) 2020.

We will be visiting a lot of our favorite  destinations from previous trips and a few new ones. I'll try not to dwell on things you may have seen before. I'll also try not to dwell on how hot it is, and how spectacular the food is.....well OK, maybe a little.

The plan is to go south along the east coast as far as St. Augustine, and then follow the Gulf Coast west to Texas. Our final destination will be near Terlingua, TX. Google it or check out the older posts. Terlingua is the definition of eclectic. We are taking it easy this trip, we will be taking 3 months to get to this area. That works out to an astonishing average of 36 miles per day. This, I can do!

As usual, our first 4 or 5 nights will be Walmart parking lots, drive, eat, sleep, repeat. The first "non-Walmart" stop will be Myrtle Beach State Park. We have never been to Myrtle Beach, hopefully its not too cold and I doubt it will be  crowded.

Today is Nov 14, 3 days before we leave, depending on the weather as always. It snowed last night and it's getting cold. With perfect timing the brakes on the CR-V packed it in yesterday so that needs to be repaired before we leave.

We will really miss all of our friends here in Port. We will miss dumping day (lobster season opening, the day they dump the traps in the ocean), and missing out on a lot of lobster. Six months without the Port Grocer on Friday night Pub Night. Ouch!
There should be 2 weeks left in lobster season when we return so we'll make the most of that.
The cold damp weather, not going to miss it so much.

We checked into what we can bring into the USA food wise.  Pretty much nothing! No meat, no fruit or veggies, no dairy. So we're packing the freezer with salmon, scallops and shrimp. And I'll drink my coffee without cream for a day!

And of course, my blog policy is "no post without a pic", so I'm going to have to come up with something soon....

OK, not exactly a picture but a Google Maps  screenshot of about the first two weeks of the trip. I'm thinking a ferry from Yarmouth to Savannah would really do well. 

I'll post again a few days after we leave. Anyone up for pictures of Walmart parking lots? Or.... how about a fine digital reproduction of a  MacDonald's Big Breakfast, suitable for framing..??
Thanks for coming along.
Stay tuned.


  1. Hey bro, heard there was a sho’ ‘nuff shoot in’ in a Walmart parking lot; exact location unknown. I trust you gave a good account of yourself.
