Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Rio Grande Valley

We stayed at a small quiet park in Falfurrias, TX last night after a pretty long driving day.  The definition of a long drive is getting shorter with every trip I think. Yesterday's drive was five and a half hours. The last hour dragged by as usual.
Fallfurrias is a small town with a population of about 5000. It seems every small town has one thing or another that it is known for. Not the case here. The best I could glean from the internet is that they were once pretty good at making products from B grade milk, namely cheese and butter. But that was a long time ago. Still, a nice little town "In The Middle of Nowhere", Texas. Nice people too.

Tonight we are in the heart of the Rio Grande Valley, McAllen, TX.  It's a large RV park in an urban setting. There are at least 300 RV's in the park but only a handful of people. Kind of like condo's in Florida, 90 percent unoccupied.

The Valley is quite built up, or rather, built out. Nothing taller than a few stories but the developed stretch goes on for 70 miles or so along the border with Mexico. So far, we're not that impressed. Weather is nice though, 90 degrees today and cloudy. Tomorrow the forecast is for 100. And sunny!

We took a drive today to Progresso, another small town. It's directly across the Rio Grande from its sister city, Nuevo Progresso on the Mexican side. We went as far as the border crossing and turned around. We didn't have our passports with us. If we had, we could have parked on the US side and walked across the bridge into Mexico. 
This is the parking lot.

Went out for Mexican food again tonight. I had the Chimichanga appetizer. It was outstanding, but I could only finish a quarter of it. The rest is in the fridge along with Darlene's chicken fajiitas which she couldn't finish either.
We did however polish off the margaritas.

1 comment:

  1. just to help you keep your perspective, we had the mother of rain / thunderstorms last night, which caused the sewer to back up. Not a nice predicament when you're into your final brandy of the night. This morning I'm trying to find the toilet plunger. So, enjoy the 10 degree weather!
